Wyatt Carruthers Jebb Ltd can provide Engineering and Building Surveying services directly to the Homeowner or Landlord for a wide variety of projects and the correction of building defects.
Wyatt Carruthers Jebb Ltd employ teams of Civil and Structural engineers and Building Surveyors all under one roof. Different phases can be dealt with by the different departments all under one project brief and fee agreement, allowing for seamless coordination between the disciplines and avoiding the need to employ separate companies.
We have associations with other specialist organisations such as arboriculturists, sound engineers, materials testing and damp specialists, all of which can be employed by Wyatt Carruthers Jebb Ltd to provide a full service.
Wyatt Carruthers Jebb Ltd have a wholly owned subsidiary company, Invetech Ltd, who can undertake investigations into subsidence, fire damage, storm damage, damp etc from within the company.
Wyatt Carruthers Jebb Ltd are experienced professionals specialising in Defect Diagnosis, Building Surveys, Condition Reports, Planned Maintenance reports, Design, Contract Administration, Dilapidations and other Building Surveying Services.
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